Versions Compared


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ZipArchiveThis could cause some problems, but CONTENIDO is able to run without it. You should check your PHP installation.
DOMDocumentThe class DOMDocument could not be found. Please check your PHP installation and enable the XML extension if necessary. CONTENIDO won't work without it.

PHP functions

CONTENIDO requires a set of functions that are essential but somtimes disabled either by using certain flags, when compiling the PHP iinterpreter or by disabling function in the PHP configuration file php.ini.

Your GD version doesn't support writing PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
escapeshellarg These functions are required to test if the CLI program 'convert', which is part of ImagMagick, is available.
iconv PHP has been compiled with the --without-iconv directive. CONTENIDO won't work without the iconv functions.


gdGD extension is available and usable to handle images
escapeshellarg, execto test if convert of ImagMagick is available
imagecreatefromgifimagecreatefromgifgdYour GD version doesn't support reading/writing GIF/JPEG/PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules.

imagegifYour GD version doesn't support writing GIF files. This might cause problems with some modules.
imagecreatefromjpegYour GD version doesn't support reading JPEG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
imagejpegYour GD version doesn't support writing JPEG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
imagecreatefrompngYour GD version doesn't support reading PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
xml_parser_createxmlThe function xml_parser_create could not be found. Please check your PHP installation and enable the XML extension if necessary. CONTENIDO won't work without it.
