Versions Compared


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In order to use CONTENIDO with full functionality and without problems, there are several requirements that your system must fulfill.

PHP version


Since version 4.9.0 CONTENIDO requires PHP 5.2.3 up to 5.4.


  • gd
    The PHP GD-Extension is not loaded. Some third-party modules rely on the GD functionality. If you don't enable the GD extension, you will encounter problems with modules like galleries.


The PHP PCRE Extension is not loaded. CONTENIDO uses PCRE-functions like preg_repace and preg_match and won't work without the PCRE Extension.


The PHP XML Extension is not loaded. CONTENIDO won't work without the XML Extension.

required classes


This could cause some problems, but CONTENIDO is able to run without it. You should check your PHP installation.


The class DOMDocument could not be found. Please check your PHP installation and enable the XML extension if necessary. CONTENIDO won't work without it.

required functions

  • iconv
    PHP has been compiled with the --without-iconv directive. CONTENIDO won't work without the iconv functions.
  • imagecreate
    GD extension is available and usable to handle images
  • escapeshellarg, exec
    to test if convert of ImagMagick is available
  • imagecreatefromgif
    Your GD version doesn't support reading GIF files. This might cause problems with some modules.
  • imagegif
    Your GD version doesn't support writing GIF files. This might cause problems with some modules.
  • imagecreatefromjpeg
    Your GD version doesn't support reading JPEG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
  • imagejpeg
    Your GD version doesn't support writing JPEG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
  • imagecreatefrompng
    Your GD version doesn't support reading PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules.
  • imagepng
    Your GD version doesn't support writing PNG files. This might cause problems with some modules.



  • .


        $this->storeResult($this->isPHPExtensionLoaded("xml") == self::CON_EXTENSION_AVAILABLE, self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n("PHP XML Extension is not loaded"), i18n("The PHP XML Extension is not loaded. CONTENIDO won't work without the XML Extension."), i18n("XML extension loaded"));

        $this->storeResult($this->testDOMDocument(), self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n("Class 'DOMDocument' is not available"), i18n("The class DOMDocument could not be found. Please check your PHP installation and enable the XML extension if necessary. CONTENIDO won't work without it."), i18n("DOMDocument is available"));

        $this->storeResult($this->testXMLParserCreate(), self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n("Function 'xml_parser_create' is not available"), i18n("parser_create

The function xml_parser_create could not be found. Please check your PHP installation and enable the XML extension if necessary. CONTENIDO won't work without it."), i18n("xml_parser_create is available"));


        $result = $this->checkImageResizer();

        switch ($result) {

            case self::CON_IMAGERESIZE_CANTCHECK:

                $this->storeResult(false, self::C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n("Unable to check for a suitable image resizer"), i18n("Setup has tried to check for a suitable image resizer (which is, for exampl, required for thumbnail creation), but was not able to clearly identify one. If thumbnails won't work, make sure you've got either the GD-extension or ImageMagick available."));



                $this->storeResult(false, self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n("No suitable image resizer available"), i18n("Setup checked your image resizing support, however, it was unable to find a suitable image resizer. Thumbnails won't work correctly or won't be looking good. Install the GD-Extension or ImageMagick"));


            case self::CON_IMAGERESIZE_GD:

                $this->storeResult(true, self::C_SEVERITY_WARNING, "", "", i18n("GD extension is available and usable to handle images"));


            case self::CON_IMAGERESIZE_IMAGEMAGICK:

                $this->storeResult(true, self::C_SEVERITY_WARNING, "", "", i18n("ImageMagick extension is available and usable to handle images"));




        $this->storeResult($this->testIconv(), self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n("PHP iconv functions are not available."), i18n("PHP has been compiled with the --without-iconv directive. CONTENIDO won't work without the iconv functions."), i18n("iconv is available"));


        $result = $this->testMySQL($this->_config['db']['connection']['host'], $this->_config['db']['connection']['user'], $this->_config['db']['connection']['password']);

        switch ($result) {

            case self::CON_MYSQL_OK:

                $this->storeResult(true, self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, "", "", i18n("Database connection works"));


            case self::CON_MYSQL_STRICT_MODE:

                $this->storeResult(false, self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n('MySQL is running in strict mode'), i18n('

Other programs

MySQL is running in strict mode, CONTENIDO will not work with this mode. Please change your sql_mode!'));



                $this->storeResult(false, self::C_SEVERITY_ERROR, i18n("MySQL database connect failed"), sprintf(i18n("Setup was unable to connect to the MySQL Server (Server %s, Username %s). Please correct the MySQL data and try again.<br><br>The error message given was: %s"), $this->_config['db']['connection']['host'], $this->_config['db']['connection']['user'], $result));



        if ($testFileSystem) {

            $this->storeResult($this->testFilesystem(), self::C_SEVERITY_WARNING, i18n("Permission error"), i18n("

ImageMagick extension is available and usable to handle images


CONTENIDO doesn't have the necessary permissions to write all the files it needs. Please check your filesystem permissions."), i18n("Filesystem checks"), i18n("CONTENIDO has all the necessary permissions to read and write files"));



required classes


This could cause some problems, but CONTENIDO is able to run without it. You should check your PHP installation.