The pseudo-cron feature is enabled as default setting. If you want to deactivate it (this is highly recommended if you want to run your files with real cronjobs instead) you have to set cfg['use_pseudocron'] = false; in the config.misc.php (line 36).
Name | Description | Execution time |
advance_workflow.php | This cronjob activates the next workflow step if the time limit is over | - |
linkchecker.php | Checks all links | #02 1 * * * // deactivated with # |
move_articles.php | Move articles at specified time | */1 * * * * (periodically every minute) |
move_old_stats.php | This cronjob is used to move old statistics into the stat_archive table | 0 0 1 * * (every first day in the month at midnight) |
optimize_database.php | This cronjob optimizes all database tables | 0 0 * * * (every full hour) |
run_newsletter_job.php | Cronjob for newsletter plugin | - |
send_reminder.php | Cronjob to send the reminder items. | */5 * * * * (periodically every 5 minutes) |
setfrontenduserstate.php | Activate/deactivate frontend users by time. | */5 * * * * (periodically every 5 minutes) |