Versions Compared


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This page is related to CONTENIDO 4.9. Previous versions of CONTENIDO may have other system requirements or - for example - can not or only partly be used with other PHP versions. Also for older CONTENDIO versions you can look at version matrix for required PHP and MySQL version.

In order to use CONTENIDO with full functionality and without problems, there are several requirements that your system must fulfill.


PHP 5.5 is not yet fully tested.
< 5.2.3

Won't work.

5.2.3 up to 5.3

Works with 4.9, 4.9.1, 4.9.2 and 4.9.3


Since CONTENIDO 4.9.4 requires PHP 5.3 or newer is required!

> 5.3 up to 5.4Works fine with every 4.9.x version of CONTENIDO> 5.4

Probably works fine.


PHP settings



"1"You can't upload files using CONTENIDO's file manager unless you configure PHP for file uploads. See for more information.
magic_quotes_runtimeOffCONTENIDO has been developed to comply with magic_quotes_runtime=Off and magic_quotes_sybase=Off as these are the PHP default settings.
max_execution_time>=30Configuring PHP for a maximum execution time of less than 30 seconds could cause problems with slow web servers and/or long operations in the backend. Our recommended execution time is 120 seconds on slow web servers, 60 seconds for medium ones and 30 seconds for fast web servers.
memory_limit>=32MBCONTENIDO requires at least 32 MB memory to operate correctly. We recommend to disable this setting completely, as this can cause problems with large CONTENIDO projects.

open_basedir directive doesn't enforce any restrictions

The directive open_basedir is set to '.' (e.g. current directory). This means that CONTENIDO is unable to access files in a logical upper level in the filesystem. This will cause problems managing the CONTENIDO frontends. Either add the full path of this CONTENIDO installation to the open_basedir directive, or turn it off completely.

Setup believes that the PHP directive open_basedir is configured sufficient, however, if you encounter errors like 'open_basedir restriction in effect. File <filename> is not within the allowed path(s): <path>', you have to adjust the open_basedir directive

Setup has checked your PHP open_basedir directive and reckons that it is not sufficient. Please change the directive to include the CONTENIDO installation or turn it off completely.

sql.safe_modeOffEnabling sql.safe_mode may cause problems with the SQL queries issued by CONTENIDO, so better turn it off.
