This page will inform you about active deprecations in the system.
CONTENIDO has two different types of deprecations:
- Normal Deprecation. The resource is outdated and will be removed in the next version which is released 6 months after the release date.
- Extended Deprecation. The resource is outdated and will be removed in the next version which is released 12 months after the release date.
Normally, a deprecation raises an log entry in the file deprecatedlog.txt. This behaviour can be turned off via configuration. For some deprecations (such as JS functions), a deprecation logging can't be provided. Also some of the key core functions which were called a lot, do not write an entry in the log file (silent deprecation).
Version 4.9.8 (not yet released)
Scope | Description of resource | Alternative usage | Deprecation type | Removed |
PHP class variable | primaryKey of cItemBaseAbstract class | getPrimaryKeyName on classes that extend cItemBaseAbstract | EXTENDED SILENT | Not removed yet |
PHP class variable | virgin of cItemBaseAbstract class | isLoaded on classes that extend cItemBaseAbstract | EXTENDED SILENT | Not removed yet |
JavaScript object | Con.GoupAssociation | Con.GroupAssociation | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | extractNumber | cString::extractNumber | NORMAL SILENT | Not removed yet |
Global context function | isUtf8 | cString::isUtf8 | NORMAL SILENT | Not removed yet |
Global context function | isAlphaNumeric | cString::isAlphanumeric | NORMAL SILENT | Not removed yet |
Global context function | scanDirectory | cDirHandler::read with parameter fileOnly true | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | recursiveCopy | cDirHandler::recursiveCopy | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | getDirectorySize | cDirHandler::getDirectorySize | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Core class | cFrontendhelper | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Core class | cModuleLog | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | uplGetFileExtension | cFIleHandler::getExtension | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
PHP function | getFileType | cFileHandler::getExtension | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
PHP function | statsDisplayInfo | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | dbGetPrimaryKeyName | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | uplDirectoryListtRecursive | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | phpInfoIntoHtml | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | compareUrlStrings | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | checkPathInformation | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | set_magic_quotes_gpc | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | getEncodingByLanguage | cRegistry::getEncoding | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Class method | cGuiTree::setBackgroundMode | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cGuiTree::setMouseoverMode | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cGuiTree::setBackgroundColors | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Global context function | removeFileInformation | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Global context function | getFileInformation | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Global context function | updateFileInformation | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
PHP function | cApiCatGetLevelNode | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiClient::getInstance | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/infoBox.js | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/md5.js | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/ArticleObject.js.php | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/expandCollapse.js | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cPermission::getIDForArea | EXTENDED SILENT | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cPermission::getParentAreaId | EXTENDED SILENT | Not removed yet | |
Global context function | trans | NORMAL SILENT | Not removed yet | |
Global context function | getNamedFrame | NORMAL SILENT | Not removed yet | |
Global context function | cApiStrTrimAfterWord | cString::trimAfterWord | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | cApiStrTrimHard | cString::trimHard | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | cApiStrTrimSentence | cString::trimSentence | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | cApiStrReplaceDiacritics | cString::replaceDiacritics | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | cApiStrRecodeString | cString::recodeString | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | cApiStrCleanURLCharacters | cString::cleanURLCharacters | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Global context function | cApiStrNormalizeLineEndings | cString::normalizeLineEndings | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
PHP class variable | content of cApiArticleLanguage | getContent() on cApiArticleLanguage instance | NORMAL SILENT | Not removed yet |
Version 4.9.5 (2014-12-10)
Scope | Description of resource | Alternative usage | Deprecation type | Removed |
PHP function | conGenerateKeywords | None/Use cSearchIndex class functions | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Class method | cApiCecRegistry::registerChain | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiCecRegistry::unregisterChain | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiCecRegistry::isChainRegistered | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiCecRegistry::getRegisteredChainNames | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiCecRegistry::_addChain | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiCecChainItem::setParameters | NORMAL | Not removed yet | |
Class method | cApiCecChainItem::getParameters | NORMAL | Not removed yet |
Version 4.9.3 (2014-01-29)
Scope | Description of resource | Alternative usage | Deprecation type | Removed |
Class method | cDirHandler::fileNameIsDot | cFileHandler::fileNameIsDot | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cFileHandler::recursiveRmdir | cDirHandler::recursiveRmdir | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cFileHandler::recursiveCopy | cDirHandler::recursiveCopy | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cFileHandler::isDirectoryEmpty | cDirHandler::isDirectoryEmpty | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cFileHandler::setDefaultDirPerms | cDirHandler::setDefaultDirPerms | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cApiDbfsCollection::file_exists | cApiDbfsCollection::fileExists | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cApiDbfsCollection::dir_exists | cApiDbfsCollection::dirExists | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cApiDbfsCollection::parent_dir | cApiDbfsCollection::parentDir | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Default plugin class | Contenido_Backend_SmartyWrapper | cSmartyBackend | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Default plugin class | Contenido_SmartyWrapper | cSmartyFrontend | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Core class | cDatatype | This class is not longer supported. | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Core class | cDatatypeNumber | This class is not longer supported. | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Core class | cDatatypeCurrency | This class is not longer supported. | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Core class | cDatatypeDateTime | This class is not longer supported. | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Core class | cApiClickableAction | This class is not longer supported | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Core class | cApiClickableQuestionAction | This class is not longer supported | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.initCodeMirror | window.Con.CodeMirrorHelper.init | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.toggleCodeMirrorFullscreenEditor | window.Con.CodeMirrorHelper.toggleFullscreenEditor | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypePifaForm | window.Con.cContentTypePifaForm | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeUserForum | window.Con.cContentTypeUserForum | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.articleObject | window.Con.ArticleObject | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/browserCheck.js | contenido/scripts/contenido.js | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/dragdrop.upl_files_upload.js | contenido/scripts/includes/dragdrop.upl_files_upload.js | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/mail_log.js | contenido/scripts/mail_log_overview.js (renamed) | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/mail_log_overview.js | contenido/scripts/includes/mail_log_overview.js (moved) | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/mod_template.js | contenido/scripts/includes/mod_template.js | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/system_log_sysvalues.js | contenido/scripts/includes/system_log_sysvalues.js | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/mail_log_overview.js | contenido/scripts/includes/mail_log_overview.js | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | (in former browserCheck.js) | window.Con.isMsie and Con.isNs | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.myCustomSetupContent | window.Con.Tiny.customCleanupCallback | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.myCustomFileBrowser | window.Con.Tiny.customFileBrowserCallback | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.updateImageFilebrowser | window.Con.Tiny.updateImageFilebrowser | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.CustomCleanupContent | window.Con.Tiny.customCleanupCallback | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.cutFullpath | window.Con.Tiny.customSaveCallback | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.storeCurrentTinyContent | window.Con.Tiny.storeCurrentTinyContent | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.setcontent | window.Con.Tiny.setContent | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.prepareString | window.Con.Tiny.prepareString | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.buildDataEntry | window.Con.Tiny.buildDataEntry | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.addDataEntry | window.Con.Tiny.addDataEntry | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.closeTiny | window.Con.Tiny.closeTiny | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.swapTiny | window.Con.Tiny.swapTiny | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.setFocus | window.Con.Tiny.setFocus | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.updateContent | window.Con.Tiny.updateContent | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.leave_check | window.Con.Tiny.leaveCheck | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.leaveCheck | window.Con.Tiny.leaveCheck | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.active_id | window.Con.Tiny.activeId | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.active_object | window.Con.Tiny.activeObject | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.aEditdata | window.Con.Tiny.editData | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.aEditdataOrig | window.Con.Tiny.editDataOrg | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.bCheckLeave | window.Con.Tiny.checkOnLeave | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.tinymceConfigs | window.Con.Tiny.settings | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.fb_fieldname | window.Con.Tiny.fbFieldName | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.fb_handle | window.Con.Tiny.fbPopupWindow | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.fb_intervalhandle | window.Con.Tiny.fbIntervalHandle | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.fb_win | window.Con.Tiny.fbWindow | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.file_url | window.Con.Tiny.fileUrl | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.image_url | window.Con.Tiny.imageUrl | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.flash_url | window.Con.Tiny.flashUrl | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.media_url | window.Con.Tiny.mediaUrl | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.frontend_path | window.Con.Tiny.frontendPath | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.iIdartlang | window.Con.Tiny.idartlang | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.sQuestion | window.Con.Tiny.txtQuestion | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.contenidoConfig | window.Con.Config | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeAbstractTabbed | window.Con.cContentTypeAbstractTabbed | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeDate | window.Con.cContentTypeDate | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeFilelist | window.Con.cContentTypeFilelist | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeImgeditor | window.Con.cContentTypeImgeditor | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeLinkeditor | window.Con.cContentTypeLinkeditor | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.cContentTypeTeaser | window.Con.cContentTypeTeaser | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.ContenidoRegistry | window.Con.Registry | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.conEvaluateCallbacks | Always pass a callback function to Con.Loader.get, never a string to evaluate | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.getUrlParams | window.Con.UtilUrl.getParams | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.validateURL | window.Con.UtilUrl.validate | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.conMultiLink | window.Con.multiLink | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.getRegistry | window.Con.getRegistry | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.getContentWindow | window.Con.getContentWindow | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.getTranslations | window.Con.getTranslations | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.showConfirmation | window.Con.showConfirmation | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.showNotification | window.Con.showNotification | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.conMarkSubmenuItem | window.Con.markSubmenuItem | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.conMultiLink | window.Con.multiLink | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.active_main | window.Con.Header._activeMain | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.active_sub | window.Con.Header._activeSub | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.active_link | window.Con.Header._activeLink | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.active_sub_link | window.Con.Header._activeSubLink | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | | | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.hide | window.Con.Header.hide | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.changeContenidoLanguage | window.Con.Header.changeContenidoLanguage | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.changeContenidoClient | window.Con.Header.changeContenidoClient | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.resetHeaderMenu | window.Con.Header.resetHeaderMenu | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.HeaderTimer | window.Con.HeaderTimer | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.HeaderMenu | window.Con.HeaderMenu | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.HeaderClickMenu | window.Con.HeaderClickMenu | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.HeaderDelayMenu | window.Con.HeaderDelayMenu | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.replaceQueryString | Con.UtilUrl.replaceParams | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.callHelp | | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript object | window.sub | window.Con.Subnav | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript file | contenido/scripts/help.js.php | contenido/scripts/help.js | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | setPath in rowMark.js | Not in use anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
CSS class name | div.folding_content | Not in use anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
CSS file | contenido/styles/con_content_list.css | contenido/styles/includes/con_content_list.css | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
CSS file | contenido/styles/system_integrity.css | contenido/styles/includes/system_integrity.css | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
Template | template.admin_frontend.html | template.frontend_left_top.html | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
Template | template.default_subnav.html | template.subnav.html | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
Template | template.subnav_noleft.html | template.subnav.html | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | renameDir in template.upl_dirs_overview.html | Not in use anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.keycode in group_association.js | Not public anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.addAction in group_association.js | Not public anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript variable | window.deleteAction in group_association.js | Not public anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.init in group_association.js | Use new Con.GoupAssociation({...}) instead | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.setAction in group_association.js | Use new Con.GoupAssociation.setAction() instead | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.filter in group_association.js | Use new Con.GoupAssociation.filter() instead | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.keyHandler in group_association.js | Use new Con.GoupAssociation.keyHandler() instead | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
JavaScript function | window.setKeyCode in group_association.js | Not public anymore! | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
Version 4.9.1 (2013-10-16)
Scope | Description of resource | Alternative usage | Deprecation type | Removed |
JavaScript function | leave_check | leaveCheck | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
Global context function | global context function endsWith | cString::endsWith | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Global context function | setHelpContext | setJsHelpContext | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Global context function | modTestModule | None. | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Class method | cApiContainerCollection::assignModul() | cApiContainerCollection::assignModule() | NORMAL | 4.9.8 |
Version 4.9.0 (2013-08-13; with previous testing releases)
Scope | Description of resource | Alternative usage | Deprecation type | Removed |
Global context function | addslashes_deep | cString::addSlashes() | EXTENDED SILENT | Not removed yet |
Global context function | stripslashes_deep | cString::stripSlashes() | EXTENDED SILENT | Not removed yet |
Class property | cApiAction::$_objectInvalid | None. | NORMAL SILENT | 4.9.8 |
Old usage | Using field code of database table type | Move code to filesystem | NORMAL | 4.9.0 |