Database table art_lang

Database table art_lang


The table art_lang contains all language related information about an Article, but not its content.

Normally, data of this table is managed automatically and must not be set explicitly.

Table structure

Field nameField specificationComment / Explanation
idartlangint(11) Primary key (auto increment)
idartint(11)Foreign key to table art
idlangint(11)Foreign key to table lang
idtplcfgint(11)Foreign key to table template_conf
titlevarchar(255)Title of the article
urlnamevarchar(255)Alias of the article
pagetitlevarchar(255)Page title of the article
summarytextShort summary of the article
artspecint(11)Foreign key to table art_spec
createddatetimeDate and time of creation
lastmodifieddatetimeDate and time of last modification
authorvarchar(32)Username of the articles author
modifiedbyvarchar(32)Username of the last modifier
publisheddatetimeDate and time of the publication
publishedbyvarchar(32)Username of the publisher
onlinetinyint(1)Flag whether the article is online or not
redirectint(6)Flag whether this article redirects to another location
redirect_urlvarchar(255)Redirection location
redirect_codevarchar(25)Type of redirect (permanent or temporary)
artsortint(11)Sort key of this article
timemgmttinyint(1)Flag for activation of time managed publication
datestartdatetimeStart date and time for time managed publication
dateenddatetimeStart date and time for time managed publication
free_use_01mediumint(7)Free usage field 1
free_use_02mediumint(7)Free usage field 2
free_use_03mediumint(7)Free usage field 3
time_move_catmediumint(7)Flag for moving to another category after reaching end date and time
time_target_catmediumint(7)Foreign key to table cat as reference for the target category to move
time_online_movemediumint(7)Flag whether article should be online after moving to target category or not
lockedint(1)Flag for lock state of the article
searchabletinyint(1)Flag for search engines to respect that article can be searched or not
sitemappriofloatPriority of article in XML sitemap
changefreqvarchar(12)Change frequency for XML sitemap

Generic DB information


Previous changes of this table

Field nameDescriptionIntroduced with version
redirect_codeAdded to the database table.4.9.3