Database table mail_log

Database table mail_log


The table mail_log contains all mails sended via the cMailer class.

Table structure

Field nameField specificationComment / Explanation
idmailint(11)Primary key (auto increment)
fromvarchar(512)Sender of the mail
totextRecipient(s) of the mail
reply_tovarchar(512)Reply address of the mail
cctextCC recipients of the mail
bcctextBCC recipients of the mail
subjectvarchar(512)Subject of the mail
bodytextBody of the mail
createddatetimeDate and time of creation
idclientint(11)Foreing key to table clients
idlangint(11)Foreing key to table lang
charsetvarchar(32)Charset of the mail

Generic DB information


Previous changes of this table

This table was not changed since the final release of CONTENIDO 4.9.