

This page is still incomplete. Please help us to write a comprehensive CONTENIDO documentation.

Configuration files

CONTENIDO can be configured in great detail using configuration files. These system-wide configuration files could be found in ROOT/data/config/<ENV> where <ENV> is your configured environment.


Defines general configuration values.

This configuration file is generated by CONTENIDO during setup!

config.misc.phpThis file contains miscellaneous configuration values.
config.path.phpThis file contains configuration values for paths to important directories.
config.templates.phpThis file contains configuration values for template names.

This file is optional and does not exist after a fresh setup.

Put your modifications into the file 'config.local.php' to prevent that your changes are overwritten during a system update.

cfg_sql.inc.phpThis file contains configuration values for database table names.

Accessing configuration values

Most configuration values are written into a (deeply nested) global configuration variable called $cfg. In order to access these configuration values either the global variable itself (which used to be the standard approach) or the new registry class could be used which is the preferred approach since CONTENIDO 4.9.

// access the whole configuration array
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
// access a single configuration array or value even allowing for a default value
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfigValue($sectionName, $optionName, $defaultValue);

Global configuration

Global configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg.

$cfg[<name>] = <value>;
AvailableCharsetsarray('iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-2', 'iso-8859-3', 'iso-8859-4', 'iso-8859-5', 'iso-8859-6', 'iso-8859-7', 'iso-8859-8', 'iso-8859-8-i', 'iso-8859-9', 'iso-8859-10', 'iso-8859-11', 'iso-8859-12', 'iso-8859-13', 'iso-8859-14', 'iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-16', 'windows-1250', 'windows-1251', 'windows-1252', 'windows-1253', 'windows-1254', 'windows-1255', 'windows-1256', 'windows-1257', 'windows-1258', 'koi8-r', 'big5', 'gb2312', 'utf-8', 'utf-7', 'x-user-defined', 'euc-jp', 'ks_c_5601-1987', 'tis-620', 'SHIFT_JIS')Array of charsets that will be available when editing a language for a client.config.misc.php
helpfalseEnable the help system. This feature has to be overhauled.config.misc.php
database_extension'mysqli'Database extension/driver to use, feasible values are 'mysqli' or 'mysql'.
Should be part of Database configuration!
login_languagesDepends upon folders in $cfg['path']['contenido_locale'].Determined in startup.php. Array of locales of backend languages that are found in $cfg['path']['contenido_locale'].not configurable

Flag to use native i18n. Note: Enabling this could create unwanted side effects, because of native gettext() behavior.

php_error_reportingE_ALL & ~(E_STRICT | E_NOTICE)PHP error reporting setting.
Should be part of PHP configuration!
simulate_magic_quotesDepends upon your setting of magic_quotes_gpc().Determined in globals_off.inc.php. When magic_quotes_gpc() is disabled magic quotes have to be "simulated" by adding slashes on names, descriptions and code of layouts and templates.not configurable
statistics_heap_tablefalseUse heap table to accelerate statitics (off by default)config.misc.php
translatable_content_typesarray('CMS_TEASER', 'CMS_FILELIST')

Define here all content types which includes special module translations (dont forget the prefix 'CMS_'!).
Should be part of Content Type configuration!

urlpathresolvefalseIf true, use the field 'urlname' for resolving. 'name' otherwise.config.misc.php
use_pseudocrontrueUse Pseudo-Cron?config.misc.php
versionCON_VERSIONCurrent CONTENIDO Version.config.misc.php

Backend configuration

Backend configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['backend'].

$cfg['backend'][<name>] = <value>;
timeout60Lifetime of backend authentication in minutes. If none is defined the default will be 15 minutes.config.misc.php

Cache configuration

Cache configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['cache'].

$cfg['cache'][<name>] = <value>;

Enable/disable caching. This flag is for globally activating the caching feature in all frontends.

You can control the caching behaviour of each client by configuring it separately in its specific configuration file located in cms/includes/concache.php. So, if you want to enable frontend caching, set $cfg['cache']['disable'] to false and configure the rest in cms/includes/concache.php!


Client template configuration

Client template configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['client_template'].

$cfg['client_template'][<name>] = <value>;

allowed extensions of template files in the client template folder only files with these extensions will be shown in "Style | Module templates"


default extensions of template files in the client template folder if no extension is defined for new files this default will be assumed


Code generator configuration

Code generator configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['code_generator'].

$cfg['code_generator'][<name>] = <value>;
name'Standard'Name of code generator to use (e. g. 'Standard' to use class cCodeGeneratorStandard).config.misc.php

CONTENIDO configuration

CONTENIDO configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['contenido'].

$cfg['contenido'][<name>] = <value>;

Configure page if CONTENIDO is unable to run (e.g. no database connection). It is wise to create a maintenance HTML page for redirection, so you won't confuse your customers. Note: The URL should be absolute with http:// in front of it.

notifyinterval20Configure how often the notification email is sent, in minutesconfig.misc.php
notifyonerror''Configure an email address to alert when CONTENIDO is unable to runconfig.misc.php

Content type configuration

Content type configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['content_types'].

$cfg['content_types'][<name>] = <value>;
CMS_LINKEDIT...Content type CMS_LINKEDIT settings.config.misc.php

Database configuration

Database configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['db'].

$cfg['db'][<name>] = <value>;

Extended database settings. This settings will be used from CONTENIDO 4.9.0.

The host where your database runs onconfig.php4.9.0
The database name which you useconfig.php4.9.0
The username to access the databaseconfig.php4.9.0
The password to access the databaseconfig.php4.9.0
connectioncharset'utf8'The charset of connection to databaseconfig.php4.9.0
haltBehavior'report'Feasible values are 'yes', 'no' or 'report'config.php4.9.0
haltMsgPrefix(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' ' : ''Text to prepend to the halt message in cDbDriverHandler.config.php4.9.0
enableProfilingfalseFlag to enable profilingconfig.php4.9.0

DBFS configuration

DBFS (database file system) values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['dbfs'].

$cfg['dbfs'][<name>] = <value>;

List of mimetypes where the output of the Content-Disposition header should be skipped.


Debug configuration

Debug configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['debug'].

$cfg['debug'][<name>] = <value>;
functiontimingfalseIf you want to measure function timing set this to trueconfig.misc.php
renderingfalseIf you want to measure backend page rendering times, set this to trueconfig.misc.php
codeoutputfalseTo output the code when editing and browsing the frontend, set this to trueconfig.misc.php
disable_chainsfalseWhether the chain system should be disabled.config.misc.php4.9.0 Beta 1
disable_pluginsfalseWhether the plugin system should be disabled. If disabled, plugins are neither scanned nor included.config.misc.php4.9.0 Beta 1
log_deprecationstrueWhether deprecations should be logged. If disabled, there are no information on usage of outdated code.config.misc.php4.9.0 Beta 1
log_stacktracestrueWhether stacktraces should be logged. If disabled, the stacktrace is not logged with the corresponding error in log.config.misc.php
Determined in main.php/ ajaxmain.php. Microtime when script is started.
Purpose of this data is profiling the backend and should not be part of configuration.
not configurable

Determined in main.php/ ajaxmain.php. Microtime before backend page is included.
Purpose of this data is profiling the backend and should not be part of configuration.

not configurable
Determined in main.php/ ajaxmain.php. Microtime when script is done.
Purpose of this data is profiling the backend and should not be part of configuration.
not configurable

Default permission configuration

Default permission configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['default_perms'].

$cfg['default_perms'][<name>] = <value>;
directory0775octal value (with a leading zero!) for use in chmodconfig.misc.php
file0664octal value (with a leading zero!) for use in chmodconfig.misc.php

Image configuration

Image configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['images'].

$cfg['images'][<name>] = <value>;

The name column may contain more than one name. Use these as subsequent keys.


Flag to use ImageMagick, if available. If disabled, the image functions will try to use PHP GD library.


Optional, path to ImageMagick binary directory, with ending slash e. g. C:/Program Files/ImageMagick/

use slashes - not backslashes!
You should set this on a windows os, otherwhise the system could execute the "convert.exe" from system32 folder. This executable does not belongs to ImageMagick.

Inuse configuration

Inuse configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['inuse'].

$cfg['inuse'][<name>] = <value>;
lifetime3600Livetime in secondsconfig.misc.php

Language configuration

Language configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['lang'].

$cfg['lang'][<name>] = <value>;


Password configuration

Password configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['password'].

$cfg['password'][<name>] = <value>;
check_password_masktrueEnable or disable checking passwordconfig.misc.php
min_length6Minimum length of password (num characters). Default is 6.config.misc.php

If set to a value greater than 0 so many lower and upper case character must appear in the password. (e.g.: if set to 2, 2 upper and 2 lower case characters must appear)


If 'symbols_mandatory' set to a value greater than 0, at least so many symbols has to appear in given password.


If set to a value greater than 0, at least $cfg['password']['numbers_mandatory'] numbers must be in password


Path configuration

Path configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['path'].

$cfg['path'][<name>] = <value>;

Path configuration values are URLs and filesystem paths or fragments of it:

  • A URL path is a web addresse. E.g.
  • A filesystem path is the path to a file or folder on the server's hard disk. E.g.: /var/www/html/contenido on *nix or C:\htdocs\contenido on Windows systems. There is no need to use backslashes on windows systems. Slashes are just fine here!
Usually all paths end with a slash. The one exception is $cfg['path']['frontend']!
all_wysiwyg$cfg['path']['contenido']  . 'external/wysiwyg/'Absolute filesystem path to available WYSIWYG-Editors.config.php
all_wysiwyg_html$cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml'] . 'external/wysiwyg/'URL path to available WYSIWYG-Editors.config.php
cache'data/cache/'Path fragment of the cache folder relative to the "frontend" folder.config.path.php
classes'classes/'Path fragment of the classes folder relative to ???.config.path.php
contenido$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/contenido/'Absolute filesystem path to the CONTENIDO backend folder.config.php
contenido_cache$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/' . $cfg['path']['cache']Absolute filesystem path to the system cache folder.config.path.php

contenido_cronlog$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/' . $cfg['path']['cronlog']Absolute filesystem path to the system cronlog folder.config.path.php
contenido_fullhtml'http://con49.local/contenido/'The web server path to the CONTENIDO backendconfig.php
contenido_locale$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/' . $cfg['path']['locale']Absolute filesystem path to the system locale folder.config.path.php
contenido_logs$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/' . $cfg['path']['logs']Absolute filesystem path to the system logs folder.config.path.php
contenido_maillog$cfg['path']['frontend'] .'/' . $cfg['path']['maillog']Absolute filesystem path to the system maillog folder.config.path.php
contenido_temp$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/' . $cfg['path']['temp']Absolute filesystem path to the system temp folder.config.path.php
cronjobs'cronjobs/'Path fragment of the cronjobs folder relative to the "contenido" folder.config.path.php
cronlog'data/cronlog/'Path fragment of the cronlog folder relative to the "frontend" folder.config.path.php
data$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/data/'Absolute filesystem path to the system data folder.config.php
exceptions$cfg['path']['classes'] . 'exceptions/'Path fragment of the exceptions folder.config.path.php
external'external/'Path fragment of the external folder relative to the "contenido" folder.config.path.php
frontend'/var/www/<ROOT>'Absolute filesystem path to the folder where all frontends are located.config.php
frontendtemplate'external/frontend/'Path fragment of the frontendtemplate folder relative to the "contenido" folder. This folder is used as skeleton for new clients.config.path.php
interfaces$cfg['path']['classes'] . 'interfaces/'
locale'data/locale/'Path fragment of the locale folder relative to the "frontend" folder.config.path.php
logs'data/logs/'Path fragment of the logs folder relative to the "frontend" folder.config.path.php
maillog'data/maillog'Path fragment of the maillog folder relative to the "frontend" folder.config.path.php
pear$cfg['path']['frontend'] . '/pear/'Absolute filesystem path to the system PEAR folder.config.php
plugins'plugins/'Path fragment of the maillog folder relative to the "contenido" folder.config.path.php
repository$cfg['path']['plugins'] . 'repository/'
temp'data/temp/'Path fragment of the temp folder relative to the "frontend" folder.config.path.php
templates'templates/standard/'Path fragment of the standard templates folder relative to the "contenido" folder.config.path.php
wysiwyg$cfg['path']['all_wysiwyg'] . 'tinymce3/'Absolute filesystem path to the active WYSIWYG-Editor.config.php
wysiwyg_html$cfg['path']['all_wysiwyg_html'] . 'tinymce3/'URL path to the active WYSIWYG-Editor.config.php
xml'xml/'Path fragment of the XML folder relative to the "contenido" folder.config.path.php

PHP settings configuration

PHP settings configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['php_settings'].

$cfg['php_settings'][<name>] = <value>;

Configuration of different PHP settings. It is possible to configure each available PHP setting, which can be set by ini_set() method. All defined settings will be applied in contenido/includes/startup.php

display_errorsfalseDisplay PHP errorsconfig.misc.php
log_errorstrueEnable logging of PHP errorsconfig.misc.php
error_log$cfg['path']['contenido_logs'] . 'errorlog.txt'Path to log fileconfig.misc.php
date.timezone''valid PHP timezone http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.phpconfig.misc.php
default_charset'UTF-8'valid PHP default charsetconfig.misc.php

Properties configuration

Properties configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['properties'].

$cfg['properties'][<name>] = <value>;

Here you can configure the behavior of properties (user, group, system and general properties). Enabling caching for a specific properties will preload all related entries which enhances the performance during application lifecycle.

The name column may contain more than one name. Use these as subsequent keys.

user_propenable_cachetrueEnable caching of user propertiesconfig.misc.php
group_propenable_cachetrueEnable caching of group propertiesconfig.misc.php

Max groups to cache. Is helpfull if a user is in several groups. It's recommended to have a lower number, e. g. 3

system_propenable_cachetrueEnable caching of system propertiesconfig.misc.php
propertiesenable_cachetrueEnable caching of general properties (for current client)config.misc.php

Configuration of itemtypes and itemids which should be cached. Itemids are represented with wild-cards and will be replaced as follows:

  • %client% against current client id
  • %lang% against current language id

SQL configuration

SQL (or GenericDB) configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['sql'].

$cfg['sql'][<name>] = <value>;

The name column may contain more than one name. Use these as subsequent keys.

cachemax_items_to_cache10Number of GenericDB items per table to cacheconfig.misc.php
cacheenabletrueEnable GenericDB item cacheconfig.misc.php
gdb_driver'mysql'The GenericDB driver to use, at the moment only 'mysql' is supportedconfig.misc.php
select_all_modetrueEnable mode to select all fields in GenericDB item collections.config.misc.php
sqlprefix'con'The prefix for all CONTENIDO system tables, usually 'con'config.php

System log configuration

System log configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['system_log'].

$cfg['system_log'][<name>] = <value>;
number_of_lines100Number of linesconfig.misc.php
file_extensionsarray('txt', 'log')Searched file extensionsconfig.misc.php

Table configuration

Table configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['tab'].

$cfg['tab'][<name>] = <value>;
**Name of the database table including the prefix that was defined on setup.cfg_sql.inc.php

Template configuration

Template configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['templates'].

$cfg['templates'][<name>] = <value>;

The list of available templates is far to long to be listed here.

Template files for pages.config.templates.php

Template files for widgtes.config.templates.php

URL builder configuration

URL builder configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['url_builder'].

$cfg['url_builder'][<name>] = <value>;

Example setting for UriBuilder 'front_content' (generates URLs like '/cms/front_content.php?idcat=2&lang=1'):

$cfg['url_builder']['name']   = 'front_content';
$cfg['url_builder']['config'] = array();

Example setting for UriBuilder 'custom_path' (generates URLs like '/cms/Was-ist-Contenido/rocknroll,a,2.4fb'):

$cfg['url_builder']['name']   = 'custom_path';
$cfg['url_builder']['config'] = array('prefix' => 'rocknroll', 'suffix' => '.4fb', 'separator' => ',');

See also http://forum.contenido.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=23280


Default UriBuilder configuration. An associative configuration array which will be passed to the UriBuilder instance. Values depend on used UriBuilder.


Name of UriBuilder to use. Feasible values are 'front_content', 'custom', 'custom_path' or a user defined name. Check out cUriBuilderFactory::getUriBuilder() in contenido/classes/uri/class.uriBuilder.factory.php for more details about this setting.


Validator configuration

Validator builder configuration values can be defined as key value pairs of the array $cfg['validator'].

$cfg['validator'][<name>] = <value>;

The name column may contain more than one name. Use these as subsequent keys.

emaildisallow_tldarray('.test', '.example', '.invalid', '.localhost')

Optional, list of top level domains to disallow. Validation of E-Mail addresses having configured top level domains will fail!

emaildisallow_hostarray('example.com', 'example.org', 'example.net')

Optional, list of hosts to disallow. Validation of E-Mail addresses having configured hosts will fail!

emailmx_checkfalseOptional, flag to check DNS records for MX type.config.misc.php