Client and system resources
Client and system resources
CONTENIDO supports the management of multiple clients. That means, you can manage multiple websites within one installation. Below you can find a table with information, which resources are connected with a client and which information can be used in all clients.
Available in the current client only
Available for the current client only are resources, which are content of the spefic client, like articles, categories, layouts, templates, modules, the content itself or file uploads.
Available in the whole system
Basically all backend related stuff, like actions, areas, frame files and the navigation or general resources like plugins, users and groups are related to the whole system and are available for each client.
Overview of all resources and their availibility
Resource | Availability |
Actions and their logging | SYSTEM |
Area | SYSTEM |
Article, their specifications and Article language | CLIENT |
Category and Category language | CLIENT |
Category article assignments | CLIENT |
Client and client language assignments | SYSTEM |
Content | CLIENT |
Dbfs | CLIENT |
Files and their frame assignments | SYSTEM |
Files Information | SYSTEM |
Frontenduser, their groups and their permissions | CLIENT |
Groups, their properties and memberships | SYSTEM |
Inuse | SYSTEM |
Keywords | CLIENT |
Language | CLIENT |
Layout, their container and container configuration | CLIENT |
Metatag values | CLIENT |
Metatype | SYSTEM |
Module | CLIENT |
Main and sub navigation of the backend | SYSTEM |
Plugins | CLIENT |
Properties | CLIENT |
Rights | CLIENT |
Statisctics and the Statistic archive | CLIENT |
System properties | SYSTEM |
Template and their configuration | CLIENT |
Content types | SYSTEM |
User, their properties and the User online tracking | SYSTEM |
Upload and their metadata | CLIENT |
ISO 639-2 and 3166 codes | SYSTEM |