Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_news_log ...
INSERT INTO con_pi_news_log ... 

CONTENIDO default plugins.

CONTENIDO provides bundle of different standard plugins.


Smarty Wrapper

Smarty wrapper provides smarty template engine for CONTENIDO Backend and Frontend.

After installation of plugin smarty template can be used in CONTENIDO Modules or Plugins.

Code Block
//get smarty frontend or backend template object via singleton pattern
$tplFrontend = cSmartyBackend::getInstance();
$tplBackend = cSmartyFrontend::getInstance();

//assign some data and display template
$tplFrontend->assign("some_value_key", $some_value);

Advanced mode rewrite:

Advanced mode rewrite plugin aka. AMR provides rewriting of default CONTENIDO url's to SEO friendly url's.

AMR is high configurable plugin, you can set how your url should looks like.

Example: show language in url or url ending with index.html etc.


Always activate this plugin after CONTENIDO installation. Url's looks nicer and human readable.

Url without AMR: www.some-url/cms/front_content?idart=1&lang=3

Url with AMR: www.some-url/cms/myniceurlcat/myniceurlart/index.html

User Forum:

User Forum plugin provides management of posted comments in CONTENIDO backend.

The comments are posted through standard content_user_forum module.


Linkchecker plugin checks url's in CONTENIDO content and shows unreacheable urls.

With this plugin you can check internal and external url's.

Cronjobs Overview:

With cronjobs overview you can edit and execute existing cronjobs.

The creation of new cronjobs in backend of CONTENIDO is not possible because of security reason.


Workflow plugin provides creation of new workflows and their steps.

The step can be creation of new article, publish etc.

The workflow steps can be assigned to the users, which should execute the steps.