

A plugin is a separate package with additional functionality for CONTENIDO which mostly is added to the backend. Plugins are systemwide ressources.

Since CONTENIDO 4.9 plugins are installed via the Plugin manager.

Beside plugins from the community (so called third party plugins) CONTENIDO itself is released with various default plugins, which can be activated without downloading them.

  • AMR - Advanced Mod RewriteAdvanced Mod Rewrite plugin (AMR) provides rewriting of default CONTENIDO URIs to SEO friendly URIs.
  • Content allocationContent allocation plugin provides creation of tagging tree and tag articles.Tagging can be used for common reasons like building of knowledge trees or search
  • Cronjobs overviewWith the plugin Cronjobs overview you can edit and execute existing cronjobs. Edit means you can edit crontab, not the content of cronjob.
  • FrontendlogicThe frontendlogic plugin is able to include certain fields for the permissions of frontenduser groups.
  • FrontendusersFrontendusers plugin allows you to extend CONTENIDO frontendusers without modifying the core of CMS.
  • LinkcheckerThe Linkchecker plugin checks URI's in CONTENIDO content and shows unreacheable or broken URLs.
  • NewsletterThe Newsletter plugin allows you send newsletter emails to subscribers.
  • PIFA - Form AssistantThe form assistant plugin PIFA allow for the easy creation of forms in the CONTENIDO backend that can be displayed anywhere in your sites frontend.
  • PISS - Solr SearchThe solr search plugin provides a SOLR search connector for content search in CONTENIDO.
  • PIUS - URL ShortenerThe URL Shortener plugin provides an overview of all defined short URLs for articles and allows for editing or deleting them.
  • Smarty WrapperThe Smarty wrapper provides a wrapper interface to use the Smarty http://www.smarty.net template engine for CONTENIDO Backend and Frontend.
  • User ForumUser Forum plugin provides management of posted comments in CONTENIDO backend.
  • WorkflowThe Workflow plugin provides creation of new workflows and their steps.

Structure of a plugin

Plugins must follow a given structure so they can be installed correctly. Once at all, all files of a plugin package are packed to an ZIP archive, which later is unpacked from the installation routine of the plugin manager.

The content of this ZIP file must fit to the following guidelines.

ZIP archive filename

The name of the ZIP archive file must only contain some name, for example: linkchecker.zip. This name is not relevant for your folder name at plugin directory.


Each plugin must have a XML file which contains metadata for the plugin itself and for the installation in the system. Among other things this file is responsible for the folder name in the plugins directory of CONTENIDO. Most important it contains all relevant entries for some special database tables, so the plugin is accessible in the backend (creating menu entries and so on). These tables are: actions, area, files, frame_files and nav_sub.

The XML is divided into multiple parts - each separated to a XML tag. XML files must be valid against the plugin file schema located at xml/plugin_info.xsd located in the plugin managers plugin directory.

Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)

Each plugin must have an UUID to identify it globally. These IDs base on the values for the plugin_name and copyright fields in this file. UUIDs only can be generated on the CONTENIDO website

Tag general - meta information (required)

This tag contains meta information about the plugin which also are displayed in frontend. The tag has the attribute "active" which should have the value "1".

Tag nameDescriptionRequired?Example
plugin_nameFull plugin name.yes
<general active="1">
        <description>Checks intern and extern links to valid</description>
        <author>Frederic Schneider (4fb)</author>
        <copyright>four for business AG</copyright>
plugin_foldernameName of the plugin folder.yes
uuidThe universal Unique ID.yes
descriptionDescription of the plugins functions.no
copyrightCopyright noticeyes
mailMail address for supportno
websiteWebsite address for supportno
versionVersion of the pluginyes

Tag requirements - requirements for new plugins

Tag nameDescriptionAvailable attributesExample
contenidoVersions of CONTENIDO

First compatible version

of CONTENIDO. Required


Last compatible version of


    <requirements php="5.2.3">
        <contenido minversion="4.9.0" />
        <extension name="mysql" />
        <class name="cRegister" />
        <function name="i18n" />
extensionPHP extensions
nameName of the extension
classPHP classes
nameName of the class
functionPHP functions
nameName of the function

Tag dependencies - dependencies to other plugins

This tag is available since CONTENIDO version 4.9.5 

This tag contains information for plugin dependencies. The plugin manager checks if uuid is available in the database and if the required plugin is active.

Tag nameDescriptionAvailable attributesExample
dependDependencies to other plugins
uuidThe universal Unique ID. Required.

First compatible version

of plugin.

Last compatible version

of plugin.
	        <depend uuid="82b117e94bb2cbcbce4e56b79a7d0c23" minversion="1.0.0" maxversion="1.0.1">Smarty Wrapper</depend>

Tag contenido - database specific information

This tag contains database specific information for adding entries to special database tables (mentioned above) to be able to display the plugin in the backend navigation.

Each tag expects attributes which have the same value as their fields in the corresponding database table.

The order of the XML tags must be the same as listed below.

Tag nameDescriptionAvailable attributesExample
areasManaging areas
parentName of the parent area or 0
relevantSince CONTENIDO 4.9.10: Show this area on menu (1) or not (0). This attribute is optional. Before version 4.9.10, relevant is at all time active.
menulessArea has left menu frame (0) or not (1)
	<area parent="linkchecker" relevant="1" menuless="1">lc_whitelist</area>
actionsManaging actions
areaName of the area
	<action area="linkchecker">linkchecker</action>
framesManaging frames
areaName of the area
filetypeType of the file (mostly "main")
namerelative path to frame include file
frameIdNumber of the frame (from 1 to 4)
	<frame area="linkchecker" filetype="main" name="linkchecker/includes/include.linkchecker.php" frameId="4" />
nav_mainManaging main navigations
nameName of the menu (since CONTENIDO 4.9.10, Menu occurs only if nav_sub exists)
	<nav name="menuname">pluginname/xml/lang_de_DE.xml;navigation/menuname/main</nav>
nav_subManaging sub navigations
areaName of the area
levelNavigation level (0 or 1)
navmMain navigation ID or Main menuname (if nav_main is used, name of this menue must set here)
	<nav area="linkchecker" level="0" navm="1">linkchecker/xml/lang_de_DE.xml;navigation/content/linkchecker/main</nav>

Tag content_types - registration of own content types

This tag contains information to register own content types.


Tag nameDescriptionRequired?Example
typeContent type nameyes

plugin_install.sql, plugin_uninstall.sql and update sql files

These files contain additional statements executed on the installation, uninstall or update of the plugin. 

Both files expects one statement per line. Multi line statements are currently not supported and will lead to errors.

Because plugin database tables must have a special prefix, a special keyword "!PREFIX!" is available to replace it accordingly. Statements, which does not contain this placeholder are not executed.

Furthermore, it is only possible to execute the following database operations.

Installation typeAvailable operations



The prefix placeholder contains the common database table prefix (per default: "con_") following by the chars "pi" for plugin.

INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_news_log ...
INSERT INTO con_pi_news_log ... 

You can also define version specific update sql files. Format: plugin_update_oldversionnumber_to_newversionnumber.sql. Please replace "oldversionnumber" with your old plugin versioh number without dots, for example "10" for version 1.0 and replace "newversionnumber" with your new plugin version number without dots, for example "11" for version 1.1. Your update filename: plugin_update_10_to_11.sql. With this file your plugin run your update statements, if you have installed plugin version 1.0 and want to updated it with plugin version 1.1.

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