Name | Description |
Workflows | item collection class for workflow |
Workflow | item class for workflow |
WorkflowActions | item collection class for workflow actions |
WorkflowAction | item class for workflow action |
WorkflowAllocations | item collection class for workflow alocations |
WorkflowAllocation | item class for workflow allocation |
WorkflowItems | item collection class for workflow items |
WorkflowItem | item class for workflow item |
WorkflowTasks | item collection class for workflow tasks |
WorkflowTask | item class for workflow task |
WorkflowUserSequences | item collection class for workflow user sequence |
WorkflowUserSequence | item class for workflow user sequence |
Workflow provides cronjob which trigger next step of the workflow sequence if the time limit is over.
Name | Description |
Contenido.ArticleCategoryList.ListItems | piworkflowCreateTasksFolder, created workflow folders |
Contenido.ArticleList.Columns | piworkflowProcessArticleColumns |
Contenido.ArticleList.Actions | piworkflowProcessActions |
Contenido.ArticleList.RenderColumn | piworkflowRenderColumn, render worflow columsn |
Contenido.ArticleList.RenderAction | piworkflowRenderAction, render action |
Contenido.CategoryList.Columns | piworkflowCategoryColumns |
Contenido.CategoryList.RenderColumn | piworkflowCategoryRenderColumn |
Contenido.Frontend.AllowEdit | piworkflowAllowArticleEdit, allow edit of articles |
Name | Description |
con_piwf_workflow | Main workflow table |
con_piwf_art_allocation | Article allocation table |
con_piwf_allocation | Allocation table |
con_piwf_user_sequences | User sequences |
con_piwf_actions | Workflow actions |
con_piwf_items | Workflow items |
, multiple selections available,