Parts of a frontend page
Parts of a frontend page
Each page in the clients frontend has some specific parts or elements, which are needed to build the code markup, which is later rendered in the user's browser.
This page gives you a better understanding, how CONTENIDO works internally and handles your data until the code is delivered to the visitor.
For a detailed explanation of each component please click on the related link.
- On top of the page there is a layout.
- You can define custom spaces in that layout, which later are filled dynamically. These spaces are called container.
- To fill the container with data, you need to write a module, which you must assign to the container. Within this modules, you might use some content types.
- A module can be assigned to a container using a template. In the template configuration you must set, which module is used in which container. A container without an assigned module does not produce any code and is still empty.
- A template with it's configuration has to be assigned to the article, you want to render. You can assign a template to a whole category - then all articles uses this template. You can also assign a template to a single article. If an article and a category have assigned templates, the template of the article is used.