Database structure
On this page the entire database structure of CONTENIDO is explained. Usually, a MySQL database is used to store all required information.
By clicking on the name of a specfic database table you can get more information about it.
Database structure of the latest version
Third party plugins may add or change database tables. Their database tables and changes are not listed in this documentation. Please have a look for the plugins documentation in that cases.
Usually, all database tables begin with the prefix con_. This prefix can bet set during installation.
Name of database table | Name of corresponding ItemCollection class | Name of corresponding Item class |
actionlog | cApiActionLogCollection | cApiActionLog |
actions | cApiActionCollection | cApiAction |
area | cApiAreaCollection | cApiArea |
art | cApiArticleCollection | cApiArticle |
art_lang | cApiArticleLanguageCollection | cApiArticleLanguage |
art_spec | cApiArticleSpecificationCollection | cApiArticleSpecification |
cat | cApiCategoryCollection | cApiCategory |
cat_art | cApiCategoryArticleCollection | cApiCategoryArticle |
cat_lang | cApiCategoryLanguageCollection | cApiCategoryLanguage |
cat_tree | cApiCategoryTreeCollection | cApiCategoryTree |
clients | cApiClientCollection | cApiClient |
clients_lang | cApiClientLanguageCollection | cApiClientLanguage |
communications | cApiCommunicationCollection | cApiCommunication |
container | cApiContainerCollection | cApiContainer |
container_conf | cApiContainerConfigurationCollection | cApiContainerConfiguration |
content | cApiContentCollection | cApiContent |
dbfs | cApiDbfsCollection | cApiDbfs |
files | cApiFileCollection | cApiFile |
file_information | cApiFileInformationCollection | cApiFileInformation |
frame_files | cApiFrameFileCollection | cApiFrameFile |
frontendgroupmembers | cApiFrontendGroupMemberCollection | cApiFrontendGroupMember |
frontendgroups | cApiFrontendGroupCollection | cApiFrontendGroup |
frontendpermissions | cApiFrontendPermissionCollection | cApiFrontendPermission |
frontendusers | cApiFrontendUserCollection | cApiFrontendUser |
groupmembers | cApiGroupMemberCollection | cApiGroupMember |
groups | cApiGroupCollection | cApiGroup |
group_prop | cApiGroupPropertyCollection | cApiGroupProperty |
inuse | cApiInuseCollection | cApiInuse |
iso_639_2 | cApiIso6392Collection | cApiIso6392 |
iso_3166 | cApiIso3166Collection | cApiIso3166 |
keywords | cApiKeywordCollection | cApiKeyword |
lang | cApiLanguageCollection | cApiLanguage |
lay | cApiLayoutCollection | cApiLayout |
mail_log | cApiMailLogCollection | cApiMailLog |
mail_log_success | cApiMailLogSuccessCollection | cApiMailLogSuccess |
meta_tag | cApiMetaTagCollection | cApiMetaTag |
meta_type | cApiMetaTypeCollection | cApiMetaType |
mod | cApiModuleCollection | cApiModule |
nav_main | cApiNavMainCollection | cApiNavMain |
nav_sub | cApiNavSubCollection | cApiNavSub |
online_user | cApiOnlineUserCollection | cApiOnlineUser |
properties | cApiPropertyCollection | cApiProperty |
rights | cApiRightCollection | cApiRight |
search_tracking | cApiSearchTrackingCollection | cApiSearchTracking |
stat | cApiStatCollection | cApiStat |
stat_archive | - | - |
system_prop | cApiSystemPropertyCollection | cApiSystemProperty |
template | cApiTemplateCollection | cApiTemplate |
template_conf | cApiTemplateConfigurationCollection | cApiTemplateConfiguration |
type | cApiTypeCollection | cApiType |
upl | cApiUploadCollection | cApiUpload |
upl_meta | cApiUploadMetaCollection | cApiUploadMeta |
user | cApiUserCollection | cApiUser |
user_prop | cApiUserPropertyCollection | cApiUserProperty |
Previous changes to database structure
In the past database tables were changed or removed. This table lists all changes (adding a new table excluded) made to the database structure. The change of single table fields are available in the specific database table detail page in this documentation.
Name of database table | Explanation of modification | Changes made in |
mod_translations | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 RC 1 |
code | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 RC 1 |
chartable | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 RC 1 |
phplib_auth_user_md5 | The table was renamed to user. | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
news | The table was renamed to pi_news | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
news_groupmembers | The table was renamed to pi_news_groupmembers | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
news_groups | The table was renamed to pi_news_groups | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
news_jobs | The table was renamed to pi_news_jobs | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
news_log | The table was renamed to pi_news_log | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
news_rcp | The table was renamed to pi_news_rcp | 4.9.0 Beta 1 |
phplib_active_sessions | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 3 |
config | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 2 |
client_config | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 2 |
data | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 2 |
link | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 2 |
status | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 2 |
sequence | The table was removed. | 4.9.0 Alpha 1 |