Database table upl

Database table upl


The table upl contains the content of the local file system.

Upload is a clientwide ressource.

Table structure

Field nameField specificationComment / Explanation
iduplint(11) Primary key (auto increment)
idclientint(11)Foreign key to table clients
filenamevarchar(255)Name of the file
dirnamevarchar(255)Path of the directory
filetypevarchar(255)Type of the file
sizeint(11)Size of the file
authorvarchar(32)Username of the author
createddatetimeDate and time of creation
lastmodifieddatetimeDate and time of the last modification
modifiedbyvarchar(32)Username of the last modifier

Generic DB information


Previous changes of this table

This table was not changed since the final release of CONTENIDO 4.9.