Each plugin must have a XML file which contains metadata for the plugin itself and for the installation in the system. Among other things this file is responsible for the folder name in the plugins directory of CONTENIDO. Most important it contains all relevant entries for some special database tables, so the plugin is accessible in the backend (creating menu entries and so on). These tables are: actions, area, files, frame_files and nav_sub.
The XML is divided into three multiple parts - each separated to a XML tag. XML files must be valid against the plugin file schema located at xml/plugin_info.xsd located in the plugin managers plugin directory.
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)
Tag name | Description | Required? | Example |
plugin_name | Full plugin name. | yes | Code Block |
| <general active="1">
<description>Checks intern and extern links to valid</description>
<author>Frederic Schneider (4fb)</author>
<copyright>four for business AG</copyright>
</general> |
plugin_foldername | Name of the plugin folder. | yes |
uuid | The universal Unique ID. | yes |
description | Description of the plugins functions. | no |
author | Author | yes |
copyright | Copyright notice | yes |
mail | Mail address for support | no |
website | Website address for support | no |
version | Version of the plugin | yes |
min_contenido_version | First compatible version of CONTENIDO | yes |
max_contenido_version | Last compatible version of CONTENIDO | no |
Tag name | Description | Available attributes | Example |
areas | Managing areas | Name | Description |
parent | Name of the parent area or 0 | menuless | Area has left menu frame (0) or not (1) |
| Code Block |
| <areas>
<area parent="linkchecker" menuless="1">lc_whitelist</area>
</areas> |
actions | Managing actions | Name | Description |
area | Name of the area |
| Code Block |
| <actions>
<action area="linkchecker">linkchecker</action>
</actions> |
frames | Managing frames | Name | Description |
area | Name of the area | filetype | Type of the file (mostly "main") | name | relative path to frame include file | frameId | Number of the frame (from 1 to 4) |
| Code Block |
| <frames>
<frame area="linkchecker" filetype="main" name="linkchecker/includes/include.linkchecker.php" frameId="4" />
</frames> |
nav_sub | Managing sub navigations | area, level, navm Name | Description |
area | Name of the area | level | Navigation level (0 or 1) | navm | Main navigation ID |
| Code Block |
| <nav_mainsub>
<nav area="linkchecker" level="0" navm="1">linkchecker/xml/lang_de_DE.xml;navigation/content/linkchecker/main</nav>
</nav_main>sub> |
nav_main | Managing main navigations | none | Code Block |
| <nav_main><nav>locationname</nav><main>
</nav_main> |
Tag content_types - registration of own content types
This tag contains information to register own content types.
title | Currently under construction |
Tag name | Description | Required? | Example |
type | Content type name | yes | Code Block |
| <content_types>
</content_types> |
Tag plugin_dependencies - dependencies to other plugins
This tag is reserved for further implementations of plugin dependencies. The structure of tags is not final and may change.
This file contains additional statements executed on the installation of the plugin.