The table actionlog contains all executed actions actions in backend.
Every time a user in backend clicks on a link, there is another entry added to this table. The data is used for the action log display.
Field name | Field specification | Comment / Explanation |
idlog | int(1011) | Primary key (auto increment) |
user_id | varchar(32) | Foreign key to table user |
idclient | int(1011) | Foreign key to table client |
idlang | int(1011) | Foreign key to table lang |
idaction | int(1011) | Foreign key to table actions |
idcatart | int(1011) | Foreign key to table cat_art |
logtimestamp | datetime | Timestamp of the logged action |
ItemCollection | Item |
cApiActionLogCollection | cApiActionLog |
Previous changes
of this table
There were no changes made in past versions of CONTENIDO to this tableThis table was not changed since the final release of CONTENIDO 4.9.