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Comment: CMS_RAW




cContentTypeHtmlheadProvides a textfield in which HTML text can be entered (with WYSIWYG editor). This type is principally the same as CMS_HTML.
CMS_HTMLcContentTypeHtmlProvides a textfield in which HTML text can be entered (with WYSIWYG editor).
CMS_TEXTcContentTypeTextProvides a plain text field in which raw text can be entered.
CMS_IMGcContentTypeImgReturns the path to an image configured by CMS_IMGEDITOR.
CMS_IMGDESCRcContentTypeImgdescrReturns the description of an image. This type i configured by CMS_IMGEDITOR.
CMS_LINKcContentTypeLinkReturns the raw link configured by CMS_LINKEDITOR.
CMS_LINKTARGETcContentTypeLinktargetReturns the target of a link. This type is configured by CMS_LINKEDITOR.
CMS_LINKDESCRcContentTypeLinkdescrReturns the description of a link. This type is configured by CMS_LINKEDITOR.
CMS_HEADcContentTypeHeadProvides a plain text field in which raw text can be entered. This type is principally the same as CMS_TEXT.
CMS_DATEcContentTypeDateProvides a datepicker to select a date from a calendar and a date format. The selected date is then shown in the selected format.
CMS_TEASERcContentTypeTeaserProvides a configuration dialog to manage dynamic article lists (known as "teaser") which are displayed in the frontend.
CMS_FILELISTcContentTypeFilelistProvides a configuration dialog to manage dynamic file lists which are displayed in the frontend.
CMS_IMGEDITORcContentTypeImgeditorProvides a configuration dialog to select an image for display in frontend.
CMS_LINKEDITORcContentTypeLinkeditorProvides a configuration dialog to manage a special link in frontend.
CMS_RAWcContentTypeRawConfigurable only by and for administrators, not indexable. Available since CONTENIDO version 4.9.5

Using content types

CONTENIDO comes with several content types for different purposes. Content types are defined and set in the specific module and have two display modes: the output mode for the frontend and the edit mode for the backend.
