AMR - Advanced Mod Rewrite
AMR - Advanced Mod Rewrite
Advanced Mod Rewrite plugin (AMR) provides rewriting of default CONTENIDO URIs to SEO friendly URIs.
AMR is high configurable plugin, you can set how your URI should looks like through dirrefent settings.
Always activate this plugin after CONTENIDO installation. URI's looks nicer and human readable.
URI without AMR: www.some-URI/cms/front_content?idart=1&lang=3
URI with AMR: www.some-URI/cms/myniceURIcat/myniceURIart/index.html
In area functions you canselect the type of .htaccess file and copy it in different directories or reset aliases.
In the area test you can test configuration you made. After test you will see statistics about resolving.
, multiple selections available,