The table clients contains all clients of the installation.
Clients should be added via the backend administration for clients.
Table structure
Field name | Field specification | Comment / Explanation |
idclient | int(11) | Primary key (auto increment) |
name | varchar(255) | Name of the client |
author | varchar(32) | Username of the clients creator |
created | datetime | Date and time of the creation |
lastmodified | datetime | Date and time of the last modification |
path | varchar(255) | Unused. |
errsite_cat | int(11) | Foreign key to table cat as reference to the category of the error page |
errsite_art | int(11) | Foreign key to table art as reference to the article of the error page |
Generic DB information
ItemCollection | Item |
cApiClientCollection | cApiClient |
Previous changes of this table
This table was not changed since the final release of CONTENIDO 4.9.